Page name: Bald Beauties Contest [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-12-31 12:40:12
Last author: Gwendolen
Owner: Gwendolen
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Welcome to the contest to celebrate the beauty of baldness.
Yes, you heard me right.
This is a contest wich you enter with your artwork of the baldy beauties.

I, [Gwendolen], have been obsessed in bald beautimuss ladies for a while now after seeing one amazing piece of bald fairy in Elfwood sometime ago.
That's why I thought this contest would be nice idea to see more breathtaking gorgeus ladies without floating locks of hair. ^-^

The rules are following:  

1. Your entry has to be made ALL by YOU. No traced, copied or stolen art. Also, remember to respect the Uploading art rules .

2. The subjcet is bald person. Duh...

3. All mediums are welcome. So are styles.

4. No PORN. Artistic nudity is okay, but I don't wan't to see any genitals. :P

5. No more than two entry per nose. If you have two noses and can prove it, I'll let you have 3. :P

6. Rules might change in time of helding this competition.

7. Have fun and be creative! We wanna see the gorgeus ladies of your imaginary! ^-^

So, there was the rules. Obey and you'll be just fine.
Though if some entries doesn't fit in this contest in my opinion, I ,[Gwendolen], as the contest keeper , have right to remove it. Of course, in that case you have right to give a new try. ^-^

Winners will be awarded with badges and requests done by moi.
1 place will get you a colored picture with (somesort of) backround (I suck with them XP).
2 place gets colored one and third inked drawing.

<h>Okey, now we are closed! Poll coming soon, just wait a momen tso I can get a hang of how I'm supposed to do it... :P</h>

Put with your entry a number and your house name. Also, put a line to seperate your work from the others.

1. [Elloquay] My bald frogtaur. He's so sweet. *kisses his slimey bald head* XD

2. [Faraday3]

3. [crying_ra2]

This is the 'official' entry, but i hated the way it came out, so to justify why it turned out so horribly, here are just a few more 'bonus' pictures ^.^




3.5 [crying_ra2]
Ok, it said I was allowed 2 entries per nose and *counts his noses* I have one, So I'm allowed to put one more up ^.^;;
The filename for it was simply "bald2" (as opposed to "bald" for the first one ~_^) But I like to call 'er "Bald Jumper" ^.^ (for obvious reasons)

4. [Levoton]

5. [deeterhi] bald punk elf (now bigger and balder)

6. [Dumpysaurus] Background pending, but I figured I'd put it up since the subject is finished.

7. [Kemical Reaxion] Talon

8. [Daisy_Sandybanks]


9. [nokturA]

10. [Go On, Take the Money and Run] BALDY!!! I actually like this picture...she didn't look good with i decided to put a tattoo on her head...@.@

11. [RaeMeg]  Sukoudo, from my "Raven Stones" story that I'm constantly working on. See my house for details about her!

12. [SaNiTY™] Quality made better by [crying_ra2]...thanks...^_^

13. [deeterhi]second entry changed: "me and myself"

14. [AnGeLeYeS O_o] Wow! I finally got around to make a drawing for this contest! *do the wawe* I`m not sure if I like this one tough. She is supposed to have freckles, but they where lost in the resizing. :( PS: I made a new background for it. Didnt like the roses very much. :)

15. [SanSol]

16. [must be loved]

17. [Ittai] - Metal Forged

18. [Yncke]

19. [Khayman] nobody said how old the subject had to be... Stock reference:
Full picture (but blurry):
Close-up (NOT blurry :-p):

20. [Khayman] and for my second entry... when you don't have a second picture of a bald person... male one! :D
Original sketch found here:

21. [Mom]I think he's pretty. =}

22. [werethylacine] Bald is some sort of proud vulnerability, methinks. 16x20, acrylics, canvas board.

23. [Fulgent Eft] Colette. (I hope it's not too late)

If you have any questions or need help, message [Gwendolen].

Username (or number or email):


2004-12-08 [Arisonu]: Hmm, interesting.

2004-12-08 [*DIABOLICAL MASQUERADE*]: Wow, I might enter this one, cool idea for a contest.

2004-12-09 [Gwendolen]: Heh, please, do enter! ^-^

2004-12-11 [crying_ra2]: hmm... how much time do I have to draw..?

2004-12-11 [Gwendolen]: Weeeell, there's still loads of time 'till the deadline, but we should get at least two entries 'till next thursday to keep the contest at Art Contests. Even still, I'm planning to run this contest to the end, even though I wouldn't be allowed to advertise it there... :P But still, you guys have loads of time to enter! ^-^

2004-12-11 [crying_ra2]: 0o0o0o... *has an idea for a doodly dealy* hmm... I guess we'll see ^.^;; I've yet to enter a contest yet on ET ^.^;;

2004-12-12 [Elloquay]: Whoo! My bald frogtaur is just perfect for this. Tis the only bald drawing I have really. :p

2004-12-12 [Gwendolen]: Yey! We have a first entry! ^-^ And it's purdy, Elloquay!

2004-12-12 [Elloquay]: Thankies! "(^__^)"

2004-12-15 [Gwendolen]: And we have now the two entries, hurrah! *dances madly around* And it's really good looking elfie you got there, [Faraday3]! ^-^

2004-12-15 [crying_ra2]: I'm hoping (HOPING!) That I'll have enough time to work on a vector graphic ^.^ (erm... a 3d piccie, for those that have no Idea what i'm talking about with my techno-babble ^.^;;; )

2004-12-16 [Gwendolen]: O.O Well. we'll just let you have that time then! At least if you can finis it in about half of year... :9

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